Friday, May 15, 2009

Beer 365 31/365 Hooker Watermelon Ale

Beer 365 31/365, originally uploaded by mitchancona.

Beer 365 31/365

Beer 365- #31 Thomas Hooker Watermelon Ale.

I new right off the bat that I wouldn't like this beer. Why drink it you ask? Well, because I wanted to try to figure out who would like it. First off the beer pours a rusty orange color and smells just like a watermelon Jolly Rancher. The mouth feel is light and crisp. The flavor is straight up sweet watermelon that at first sip isn't all that bad, half way through the beer you want it to just go away. This beer is perfect for the non-beer drinker, the person that drinks Mike's Hard whatever. Dare I say it... this is a chic beer. (4.5% ABV)

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