Monday, May 25, 2009

Beer 365 40/365 Oskar Blues Dale's Pale

Beer 365 40/365, originally uploaded by mitchancona.

Beer 365- #40 Oskar Blues Dale's Pale Ale
I really wanted to like this ale. I love the fact that Oskar Blues cans instead of bottling. Since I didn't care for their Old Chub I thought perhaps I could support them by enjoying this beer. Pours a dark rusty amber color with thick white head that quickly disappears. Hints of citrus buried in sweet malt on the nose. Not much in the way of fruit on the palate, just syrupy sweet malt quickly followed by over the top metallic hppiness. I have another in the fridge, perhaps my taste buds were off, I'll try another and report back. (6.5% ABV)

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