Friday, June 5, 2009

Beer 365- #52 Magic Hat Wacko

Beer 365- #52, originally uploaded by mitchancona.

Beer 365- #52 Magic Hat Wacko
I don't like beets.
I'm not sure why Magic Hat added beet juice...anyway....
Pours a clear red-ish pink color with towering creamy white head. The nose is sweet with fruit and malt.
Light mouth feel with tingly carbonation. Some sweetness leads to uncomfortable bitterness that turns metallic on the after taste.
Did I mention I don't like beets? (4.5% ABV)
As for the image.... second night in a row playing with the ring flash attachment. This time with the 70-200. Set in driveway with rain coming down. Was looking to get strong contrast. The on camera flash look without being a snapshot.

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