On Saturday representatives from the Samuel Adams brewery visited our store and gave our customers a taste of two possible new additions to the the Samuel Adams line of beers. Customers filled out a ballot and voted for the beer they liked best. The beer that receives the most votes will be added to the Samuel Adams line and distributed next year. This year’s contenders included a Belgian I.P.A. and an American Rye Ale. The Belgian I.P.A. (Choice A) had a roasted sweet malt character with a hoppy, bitter finish. The American Rye Ale (Choice B) was medium-bodied and deep red in color. It had spicy citrus notes on the nose and finished strong with sweet m
alt flavors. I asked the representatives what the overall fan favorite was for the day and they told me the tally was close. The staff seemed to favor the American Rye Ale over the Belgian I.P.A. It will be interesting to see which one shows up on our shelves within the year.
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