Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Beer Review: Goose Island Brewery

Honk! Honk! Hailing from the "windy city", Goose Island beers have taken our cooler by storm. Many of you might not recognize the name and hence think they are a recent upstart. In reality Goose Island has been brewing craft beer in the Chicago area since 1988! Know for there easy drinking "classic" styles (meaning nothing all that extreme or funky) GI has grown to the point where they are now in 36 states and in Europe. My favorite (at least right this second) beer from GI is there "Sofie" Belgian Style Ale.  Aged in wine barrels (some with orange peel) Sofie has a wonderful balance between the known and expected and the interesting and intriguing. Spice and subtle citrus on the nose, a creaminess in the mouth, flavors of vanilla, spice and citrus. A rich brew that still comes across as refreshing. CHEERS! -Mitch

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