Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Beer 365 35/365 Ommegang Ommegeddon

Beer 365 35/365, originally uploaded by mitchancona.

Beer 365- #35 365 Ommegang Ommegeddon

Well it finally happened. I put my daughter's toys in one of my beer images. I new it was going to happen. I just thought it would be later down the road. Look out Dora, here I come!
The label says this is a Funkhouse Ale, I can only assume it's a play off of Farm House Ale?
This pours to a hazy golden straw color with a thin white head. The nose is a yeasty funk with hints of sour fruit and wet hay. The mouth is somewhat dense, it's reactive and creamy at the same time. This has the frame of a triple with slight sourness and dry bitterness tacked to it for good measure. This is another case of intriguing more than enjoyable. I'm not sure if this is going to cycle back into rotation after the 365 is done. (8% ABV)

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