Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Beer 365 36/365 Oskar Blues Old Chub

Beer 365 36/365, originally uploaded by mitchancona.

Beer 365- #36 365 Oskar Blues Brewery Old Chub Scottish Style Ale

Scottish Style Ale... out of a can! I know, I know... a can is a better vessel for beer than a bottle...less air, no light and they line the cans now so no aluminum taste.
Dark cola in color, throws a dirty white head. Strong intricate nose of sweetness, candied malt, spice, Dr pepper, Jager?... Rich dense complicated flavors. Sweetness is what I notice the most. Loads of black licorice, way too sweet for my taste. This not a subtle beer by any means. I could split one with a friend, just for conversation. Couldn't dream of a session with this one. (almost forgot... 8.0% ABV)

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