Thursday, May 21, 2009

Beer 365 37/365 Harviestoun Ola Dubh 12 yr.

Beer 365 37/365, originally uploaded by mitchancona.

Beer 365- #365 Harviestoun Ola Dubh 12 yr.
This is a collaboration between Harviestoun Brewery and Highland Park Distillery. It is Harviestoun's Old Engine Oil aged in casks that formerly held Highland Park Scotch. Pours a dense black with little head. Huge nose of sweet licorice, tootsie roll, damp ash (imagine a camp put out with water). Not as heavy in the mouth as one would expect. Loads of sweet malt, mixed with hints of smoke and peat, slightly bitter hopped finish. Wonderful experience but I tired of it after only half a glass. (8% ABV)

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