Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Beer Fridge - Every Beer Drinker Needs One

It isn't pretty. It's tucked away in the corner of dimly lit storage room and it's shelves haven't seen Windex in years, but it's one of my prized possesions.... my beer fridge.  When my wife and I combined households years back we found ourselves with an extra refrigerator that we had no use for. Well, she thought we had no use for it, I had other plans. That was the birth of my beer fridge. A safe haven for all my prized ales and lagers. Never again would I have to hear "your beer is taking up too much room in the refridgerator". Some 11 years later it's still chugging away, always filled with brews ready for the sipping. Here is a few selections currently chilling out in my fridge. -Mitch


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