Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Certified Beer Servers: 2 Are Better Than 1!

 Ancona's would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our dynamic duo - Jon and Justin - for passing the first level of certification in the Cicerone program! After a few weeks of studying and a bit of tasting “research” (as they liked to call it) the boys passed the exam and are now Certified Beer Servers. Jon and Justin are familiar with styles of beer, the brewing process and proper storage practices.

So what do these Certified Beer Servers drink? Both are huge fans of Lagunitas; enjoying the super hopped, one-two punch of Maximus. Jon is never without a bottle or two of Midas Touch from Dogfish while Justin’s new favorite is Kona’s Big Wave Golden Ale.

Ancona’s is proud to be home to these certified Beer Geeks... Cheers boys! ~Jackie

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